With 22 years of experience as a graphic designer, 15 years of experience as a web designer and creative agency owner, and 11 years of experience as a blogger, Jennifer Bourn works with small businesses to build brands, create content, and grow profitable online platforms. As a well-known member of the Genesis community, she has designed more than 300 Genesis themes and her agency is a long-time Genesis recommended developer.
Jennifer’s renowned business systems and automations allow her business to thrive and keep moving forward while she travels with her family, checks out live music, squeezes in daily workouts, and tries out new recipes.
When not working with clients or hanging with her kids, you can find Jennifer speaking at events and facilitating hands-on workshops like Content Camp, running online business training programs like Profitable Project Plan, and playing with her personal blog, Inspired Imperfection.

I am incredibly delighted to partner with BizBudding to bring new WordPress theme designs to life. I’m blown away by the flexibility Mai Theme delivers and how easy the BizBudding team has made it for site owners to build their dream sites. It’s exciting revisiting my roots as a designer and exploring the capabilities of the WordPress block editor, especially knowing the designs I create will be paired with the unparalleled support of the BizBudding team.
– Jennifer Bourn
I can’t wait for you to check out my first design, Mai Inspire, and look forward to bringing you new designs in the future.
I can’t wait for you to check out my first design, Mai Inspire, and look forward to bringing you new designs in the future.