Get Started with Mai Pro Pack and our collection of Premium WordPress Plugins
Mai Pro Pack includes all of the premium WordPress plugins BizBudding has developed over the years to enhance the design, features, and functionality for our private clients’ websites.
These are the same plugins that power top sites like Wellness Mama and The Paleo Mom.
Mai Testimonials Plugin
With Mai Testimonials, show off all the great things your customers have to say about you, while building credibility and increasing conversions.
Mai Notices Plugin
Use our Mai Notices plugin to display custom callout notices to grab attention and share special information in any content area on your posts, pages, and products.
Mai Icons Plugin
Include unique icons on your website with the Mai Icons plugin. There are over 7000 icons to choose from! Customization options include size, color, spacing, and more.
Mai Favorites Plugin
Use Mai Favorites to give your visitors a way to easily browse collections of your favorite things such as affiliate products, recommendations, services, and more.
Mai Table of Contents Plugin
Add the Mai Table of Contents to the beginning of your posts or pages to improve readability. The table is auto-created from your heading structure so readers can jump to the section they want easily.
Mai Ads & Extra Content Plugin
Boost your sales by easily embedding CTAs, display ads, and more anywhere on your site, all from one simple to manage spot with Mai Ads & Extra Content.
Mai Accordion Plugin
Mai Accordion is perfect for displaying expandable FAQs, transcripts, resources, and even research. Add a title/question, then easily insert any block you want into the answer section.
Mai Archive Pages Plugin
Mai Archive Pages plugin allows you to build robust and SEO-friendly archive pages with blocks. Customize the content before and after your archive content to strategically build out your archive pages for SEO.
Mai Display Taxonomy Plugin
Mai Display Taxonomy is a utility plugin that creates a category to use with Mai Post Grid. It gives you total control over your grid content in various areas of your website.
Mai Portfolio Plugin
Mai Portfolio is a versatile and lightweight portfolio plugin for Mai Theme. It creates a custom post type called “Portfolio” that has all of our Customizer layout settings ready to customize.
Mai Custom Content Areas
Mai Custom Content Areas is a conversion marketing game changer! Easily display calls to action and other custom content in different locations on posts, pages, and custom post types conditionally by category, tag, taxonomy, keyword, and more.
Mai Lists
Coming soon!

Mai Theme Training
New to Mai Theme? No worries, we’ve got you covered. We’ve compiled all the Mai Theme 2.0 features into our knowledge base so you can learn at your own pace.