There’s that word again, Hustle. For some it’s a word that evokes a feeling of motivation (time to get that extra money!), for others it’s an annoying reminder that they still have so much left on their to-do list. For me, it’s a little of both, if I’m being honest. This is why I’m writing this blog post today. I need to define my hustle, and whether you are new to entrepreneurship, a startup, a blogger, or an influencer, you may need to do the same.
What does a successful workday for bloggers and online business owners look like?
If you never take the time to outline it, you’ll never feel satisfied with the amount of effort you put in.
There will always be more work to do.
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There will always be more work to do. #defineyourhustle
For me, a successful day is DOING EVERYTHING THERE IS TO DO.
Clearly that’s not possible and I’m setting myself up for disappointment on the regular.
So, below you will find my newly created outline of a successful day.
Define Your Hustle to Fuel Your Hustle
Defining the habits that will fuel your hustle while balancing your other responsibilities (working a day job, kids, spouse/partner, other relationships, hobbies & personal time), is critical to creating a successful business. Here’s how I keep myself on track and hustling each day. You can define your routine and activities on a per month basis, but I find getting more granular with a daily routine really helps me.
1 hour on my inbox – Often it’s much longer, but one hour is all I need in order to satisfy my daily expectation.
1 hour of writing or brainstorming blog posts – This can be anything from jotting down ideas to publishing. A little time spent on my blog is all I need each day to feel organized and therefore satisfied. Remember, everything here doesn’t need to be high-quality, perfect finished work. It’s about consistency.
2-4 hours developing – This is my happy place. Creating. Building. Designing. Therefore, it gets the most attention.
1 hour on social media – I draw energy from connecting and sharing with others, so this is absolutely a priority for me. One hour because there are only so many hours in a day. The added benefit is that social media marketing is also a great way to build and support your community, reach new audiences, and establish brand awareness.
Keep It Simple
I’ve kept mine simple because things are going to pop up here and there as is common in business life, and I need those things to fall under one of the above-mentioned tasks in order to remain positive and productive.
Your definition of hustle doesn’t need to be exact, it needs to be efficient and forgiving. The goal of this exercise is for you to look at every single day and feel productive.
As a business owner, mom, and wife I find it very difficult to lay my days out as we tend to get things done whenever we’re able, but the above tasks are realistic for me, and will hopefully keep me from laying in bed answering emails at midnight and kicking myself for not spending more time doing this or that. Define your hustle, so that it doesn’t consume you.
If you struggle with time management, there are many fantastic tools available, like RescueTime, to help.
Remember to keep it simple and efficient. Really think about what it is that you need to get done every day in order to feel productive and keep you from beginning tomorrow overwhelmed.
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